The Fighter is based on the true story of American boxer Micky "Irish" Ward as he struggles with the dream of winning a boxing title, as well as coping with his demanding, crazy, overbearing family. Micky is overshadowed by the dominated personalities around him, much like Mark
Wahlberg's performance of the character. Micky is a passive main character, something that is rarely seen in films, but of course rules are meant to be broken, and the film works because the supporting characters are incredibly active, resulting in the actors performances to overshadow
Wahlberg's. Micky's coke-head, crazy brother Dicky (played brilliantly by an unrecognisable Christian Bale) along with Mother-from-Hell Alice (Melissa Leo), who both are Mickey's boxing trainer and manager respectfully. But when the new outspoken, cool, smart, loving girlfriend of Micky hits the scene (played wonderfully by Amy Adams) the family dynamic begins to crumble. Add 7
bogan sisters to the plot and you are sure to have a fun time watching one hell crazy family.
The film's main dramatic question is whether Micky will obtain his boxing title dream, but at its heart, it is about the bounds of family. This film would be just another boxing film if it didn't have such a rich collection of interesting characters to be enjoyed. The acting is top notch, Christian Bale and Melissa Leo will definitely take out the supporting actor and actress awards respectfully at the Oscars. Amy Adams and Mark
Wahlberg are also at the top of their game but are overshadowed, particularly
Wahlberg by the more colourful personalities that surround him.
It is nominated for Best Picture at the Academy Awards which suggests how good the film is, and although it won't be winning the big gong, it is still a worthy film.
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