Monday, February 27, 2012

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

Super intelligent nine year old Oskar tries to deal with the death of his father (Tom Hanks) on the 'worst day,' the 9/11 Terrorist attacks. A year after the event, Oskar finds a key in his late father's possession and decides it is a clue left behind for him. Oskar goes on an adventure, meeting an array of colourful New Yorkers, in hope of finding what the key opens and thus finding a meaning in his father's death. All the while Oskar becomes further isolated from his mother played by Sandra Bullock.
This film could have failed terribly with the poor casting of Oskar, but fortunately Thomas Schell brings such a mature, captivating and heartbreaking performance to this pivotal role. The film has some beautiful drama elements, exploring such a terrible moment in recent history, through the eyes of a young boy. The one issue with the film is that it is too long and the ending wasn't the most cleanest.
This film is also nominated for Best Picture at the Academy Awards and while it is not touted to win, it still is an interesting and relevant film.

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